The developer of the first political mobile and computer games based on the play and watch-to earn method with the opportunity to earn the company's main token - LOGG Token, the first multiplier of games with visual integration of ad units
Play our games and earn money
Buy, sell, rent or lease NFT in a single distribution system for all meta objects of the company
Become a member of the company's DAO by purchasing a token and participate in voting in all projects of LOGARITM GAMES
Participate in token staking and earn real money
+240% APR
Participate in the staking of the LOGG-token for all sales characteristics, we will extract additional information about the conditions of staking and the opportunity to increase your capital later
Any member of our gaming community, investor, DAO member, can submit proposals through the LOGARITHM website through the ecosystem to cast their vote. Decisions are made by majority vote and implemented through a distributed system. LOGG tokens can be provided as a reward to DAO participants who make winning proposals to implement the DAO. More information will be published on the official website in the coming weeks.
The Platform token performs a utilitarian function
This token acts as the base currency for the purchase of items (NFT) for each of our games
The token acts as a means of payment for purchasing (instantly upgrading items in the games
The token acts as a means of payment for temporarily renting items (Customers will be able to rent any object the vendor puts up for the duration of n)
In some of the games, the user will have the opportunity to improve their items by crossing, this operation is paid by LOGG-Token
Each participant may put any amount of tokens into the pool for 1/3/6 months and receive dividends from each transaction in the network
This token is used for all operations in the ecosystem
It is possible to earn this token using the stacking model In-game token purchase/sale
Payment for commercial offers
Payment of commission
2Q 2023
Presentation PUT OUT
Closed stage sale token
Team onboarding
Creation of an offer of personal visual game integrations for large companies
Launch BETA- version of first level of the mobile game PUT OUT
2Q 2023
Partner programs launch
Game mobile test version on Google Play Market and Apрstore placement
4Q 2023
Private 1 sale LOGG-token
Secret X-box distribution among NFT owners
Holding tournaments in the game PUT OUT
Launch 3 new game levels of PUT OUT
Launch Beta-version of new game HAMASUTRA
ICO Launchpad
4Q 2023
Presentation of MAKE running
Testing stored levels and achievements via NFT
Automated LOGG-token distribution and payouts
Starting class champion and officer structure, incentives operational
1Q 2024
Listing LOGG-token
Launch Beta-version of HAMASUTRA running
Holding tournaments in put game
Development of a single ecosystem of all projects with native in-game tokens and the ability to transfer and exchange NFTs between games LOGARITHM GAMES
3Q 2023
Work on the creation of a function of various forms of lending in order to purchase NFTs
Launch of new levels of the arcade part of walking through the bunker in PUT OUT based on real events